Tabraiz Bukhari: Online Blog Which Features Blogs, Articles and News Related to the Fashion and Clothing Industry in Pakistan

May 28, 2022
Tabraiz Bukhari: Clothes Planet
Tabraiz Bukhari: Clothes Planet

Clothes Planet is an online blog which features blogs, articles and news related to the fashion and clothing industry in Pakistan.

You can find latest sales of biggest clothing brands in Pakistan. Fashion events and updates are also uploaded on our blog to keep the fashion lovers’ in Pakistan engaged and informed.

We inform users about which brands are best for different types of seasons, occasions, trends and clothes. We also write about our cultural clothing attire to stay connected with the roots.

We believe in providing authentic and valid information to our users. We are proud that we are the only blog in Pakistan which is totally focused on Clothing content.

In our news section we believe in being neutral and only reporting what is happening. We don’t believe in taking sides or writing negatively about a any model, brand or actor’s clothes.

Tell us about yourself?

My name is Tabraiz and I am 26 years old. I got into the world on blogging/SEO when I was studying in School and when I went to college I started my first blog where I used to write articles about current events. After that I started few websites and worked on some freelance projects.

But I was always in touch with digital marketing and kept learning about it. Parallel to this I was studying Psychology and I completed MSC in Psychology which helped my in my Digital marketing career too.

I was doing a job when my friend and Co Founder of Clothes Planet Shahzad Abbas asked me to start something of my own, so we got together and after some brainstorming decided we will start a blog where we would focus on the fashion and clothing content of our country. We have plans to open our our clothing brand too in the future.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

I would tell myself to not be in a hurry and give things time. Especially in the digital marketing field the things take time to give you reward. Nothing happens instantly and we often lose hope just before we are gonna make it. So I would advise to keep doing what you are doing and never lose hope.

What problem does your business solve?

There is not a niche blog that is only related to clothing and fashion trends in Pakistan, so we are striving to give people a place where they come and read about their favorite brands and collections. Also we want to spread news without attacking anyone’s personal choice of what to wear or how to wear it. We try to be neutral and only report news so people who just want to enjoy the fashion can do that.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

The inspiration is blogs like Vouge that are totally niche based and focus on one niche rather than posting about every other thing. The niche blog helps people who want to write everything about one niche from one place so they don’t have to browse lot of websites to get the whole information.

What is your magic sauce?

Our competition are mostly blogs written by people who are trying to sell the clothes of different brands, so they are always hyping up those brands. But we focus on being as transparent and authentic as possible.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

In first two years we will focus on our content and blogs. We will get to a stage where we are posting almost everything that is happening in the clothing fashion industry in Pakistan.

After those two years we are looking to build a brand in Pakistan which targets audiences that are being neglected so far by the industry.

We have some niche clothing in mind that we want to create and sell in an affordable price range. We are hoping to fully launch our brand in the upcoming 5 years.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

The biggest challenge is that we don’t have a big enough capital to stay up to date with every news and happening in the fashion industry in Pakistan. We are trying to increase our authors so we can create more content for users and be on top of it.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

We want different brands and outlets in Pakistan to start reaching out to us cause we want to create a database of information about clothing in future where people can rate the brands and get information about them quickly. Also if companies want to collaborate with us we are happy to do that.

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