Johanne Bell: We Help Organizations of All Types and Sizes Better Understand the Health of Their Businesses

August 7, 2022

We help organizations of all types and sizes better understand the health of their businesses, and work together to help them become more successful and accessible to their clients through the best of innovation and technology.

Our PULSE (people, utility, local, sustainable, empower) philosophy is the value that we take drive for

Tell us about yourself?

Everyone has its humble beginnings and I am one of those. I am proud that I am a healthcare provider, a registered nurse from the Philippines. I have moved to singapore way back 2011 and work in the healthcare sector (dental) and I am loving my job.

A few years after, we moved to Hong Kong for my husband’s job relocation. That was when I started to realized I needed to do a career shift. So I started working in the corporate job, insurance broker and being in the family office focusing more on the healthcare group insurance.

3 yrs ago, we moved back to Singapore and that’s when I started digital marketing freelancing for a company. Fast forward today, i am combining both my expertise in Healthcare and Digitalization & innovation. Some of my clients onboarded are my previous clients and I am loving it.

I started early January 2022 and so far, I have been loving it. It is a promising start up and now, we have formulated to more new services not just focusing healthcare but all types of business that needs our help when it comes to Strategy & Development as well as Digitalization.

tRxiage wanted to promote more on the traditional market sector and encourage them to have the business digitalize, not to replace the existing ones that they are having but a side back up in cases hard bound files will be lost (we don’t know).

So this is it, if a patient wanted to see a doctor because he is feeling sick, a client comes to us because the business needs a revamp or resuscitation. That is how we view it simple terms.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

It is never too late to do something even how crazy the idea is or the plan will be. Do or do not, there is no try.

What problem does your business solve?

Business Healthcheck Strategy Development HealthTech and Innovation Digital Marketing & Branding Resource solutions Training

What is the inspiration behind your business?

the power of digitalization and growth, the efficiency and productivity of digitalizing rather than doing the traditional routine.

Example: bookings systems from logbooks to digital appointment system, customer relationship management, data storage., telemedicine, ai form of services that has early detection of certain diseases

What is your magic sauce?

Consistency is the key and keep believing and pushing forward no matter how impossible it is. There is always a solution into things. do not stop, you can slow down but never stop.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

setting up a grab like system for the different types of sectors in healthcare to both consumers and suppliers. healthcare is a niche market, complicated but for future generations, we wanted to make our doctors, our therapists , our pracitioners more clever, more anticipating in meeting their patients concerns. to reach out as a two way system, to have a better treatment plan to diseases and to anticipate early detection of any diseases

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

people supply as everything now, everyone wants to do their own thing. finding the right partner to work with and delegate the stuff that I am having

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

we want telehealth IT supplier to collaborate with, we wanted to get featured in one of the biggest magazine for healthy lifestyle and of course to be featured in Forbes women magazine.

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