11 Top Turkish Personal Health Companies and Startups

August 26, 2021

This article showcases our top picks for the best Turkish based Personal Health companies. These startups and companies are taking a variety of approaches to innovating the Personal Health industry, but are all exceptional companies well worth a follow.

We tried to pick companies across the size spectrum from cutting edge startups to established brands.

We selected these startups and companies for exceptional performance in one of these categories:

  • Innovation
    • Innovative ideas
    • Innovative route to market
    • Innovative product
  • Growth
    • Exceptional growth
    • Exceptional growth strategy
  • Management
  • Societal impact

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Top Turkish Personal Health Startups

Data sourced from Crunchbase and SemRush.

Inofab Health

Inofab Health

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Digital health platform solution for patients of Asthma, COPD, Cystic Fibrosis patients and respiratory health enthusiasts.



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GeminiLab is a healthcare-based company that gives recommendations for men to improve sperm health.


ImageRAD Software

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ImageRAD Software is a Cloud platform for health archives and manages personal health data.



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ENBIOSIS is a biotechnology firm that offers personalized health solutions by analyzing the human gut microbiome using AI technology.


enigma BioTech

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Health Focused Wearable Technology


Vanilya Club

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Online personal care and beauty shop that operates in Turkey


ilaç Tanıtım ve Tibbi inceleme Platformu

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Türkiye’de ilaç tanıtımını yapan ne için kullanılması gerektiğini anlatan, hastalıklar hakkında bilgi sunan ticari amaç gütmeyen platform.



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As MedicaTurkey, besides health tourism in Turkey, we also help our guests with all the other issues they need.


Umpas Holding

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Umpaş Holding derives its strength from its ideals focused on human service, having reached the pinnacle of technical and managerial growth.


Sanita Hospital Group

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Sanita Hospital Group is a private hospital operator based in Istanbul and Izmir, Turkey.


Rio Clinic Estetik & Plastik Cerrahi

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Meme, burun, popo, genital vücut bölgelerine estetik ve plastik cerrahi hizmeti veren klinik.

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